Sunday, July 17, 2005

Why Have A Blog?

      Some people wonder why blogs exist. There are plenty of reasons; to name a few: Give the option of being heard, let out thoughts that you don't want confined to a book, communicate effectively to your friends, spread your way of thinking, for the fun of it (getting unbored). I have it for.... I think, all of the above reasons. Coming from this, there's also the "Why read a blog?". Well, you could be trying to hear different opinions, learn about someone, use some time, or other various reasons. While doing one of the above, I came across this. I found it really great and helpful, you know?

      Here comes another question; "Why have multiple blogs?". That's pretty easy too. You'd probably have them for different reasons, so in stead of having a blog for one reason, you can have blogs for different reasons. Of course, that makes you seem too attached to your computer! Well, if you update regularly. Though, that doesn't mean you can't have one blog for more than on reason!

      On that note, it's fun having a flexible mind and being scatterbrained!


Jonathan Jong said...

I'm honoured if I've helped at all and I apologise if anything I've ever said has been detrimental.


cheap vintage jewelry said...

I think blogging is like exercise for the clears my head. Lord knows I've got too much going on up there in the first place.