Thursday, February 26, 2004

Please Everyone

hmmmm..... quote of the day? What's that?

"You can't please everyone. Don't try."

- Unknown.......

Wednesday, February 25, 2004


Main Entry: filicide
Pronunciation: \Fil"i*cide\
Function: noun
:the act of murdering a son or a daughter; also, parent who commits such a murder

Stupid Boys!

my quote of the day should be fatuitous and cheesy today.........

"I am finally accepting the fact that Patrick is your boyfriend, and it is not me."


- Nick ...... and me.......
Shows how stupid boys are...... he kept saying he was my boyfriend..... boys never listen...... but that is probably one of the reasons girls like them........ I like boys..... they are stupid...... lol no not really........

Tuesday, February 24, 2004


I forgot..... 'F' word time

Main Entry: fibrous
Pronunciation: 'fI-br&s
Function: adjective
a : containing, consisting of, or resembling fibers b : characterized by fibrosis c : capable of being separated into fibers

You wish us fat!

My quote of today is......

" Fat you wish us?! Why do you wish us fat?!"

- Eddie...... I was trying to say fatuitous.....

Monday, February 23, 2004

Felicific Femininity

Well.... since I didn't have an 'F' word yesterday, I am having 2 today! WAHOO!

Main Entry: felicific
Pronunciation: "fE-l&-'si-fik
Function: adjective
: causing or intended to cause happiness


Main Entry: femininity
Pronunciation: "fe-m&-'ni-n&-tE
Function: noun
: the quality or nature of the female sex


Well..... for today's Quote Of The Day..... I am going to quote my dream...... it is sorta a conversation though......

"This is getting annoying....."
"No, her."

- my dream..... which was Me and Ryan talking....... Yeah this dream was from like last week..... Thursday actually.....

Sunday, February 22, 2004


Well...... I had a horrible afternoon.... I miss Patrick..... Right now I feel..... fatuitous.... worried..... scared..... sad...... everytihng but happy..... my happy meter is at like -10..... maybe even lower..... basically it is broken from being so low.... I'm thinking of skipping school tomorrow..... I don't care if I have a test.... I don't want to cry in school.... It would be too hurtful....... I can't stand it..... besides..... if I did go to school when I can't think straight.... something bad might happen.... and not only am I emotionally sick, I am a little physically sick still...... I almost got sick from eating dinner....... I hope I feel better soon.... I'm going to have nightmares tonight.... probably about me getting killed or not ever seeing Patrick again...... *prays* Let everything be okay........ I can't believe I was so stupid......


Sunday's QOTD

"Grammar is like an evil monkey waiting to ravenously devour your brain!"


Saturday, February 21, 2004

Pregnant Mice

Sorta good news, sorta bad news...... Two of the mice are pregnant......


I forgot to finish telling my list of 'F' words so I will continue today with that.

Main Entry: fatuitous
Pronunciation: \Fa*tu"i*tous\
Function: adjective
: stupid
- fatuitousness, noun

A Horse

Yes time for a quote of the day.....

"A horse is God's gift to mankind."

- Arabian Proverb

Friday, February 20, 2004


Two words describe it....... SICK DOG ........ that's what i am right now.....


Quote of the day......

"I don't want to, but I want to....."


Thursday, February 19, 2004

Not Not Like

My quotes of the days are getting later and later....... curse you person that is the reason for this!

"that's OK, U don't need 2 like him, U just need 2 not not like him"

- Ryan..... YOU POOPIE HEAD!!!!! ......

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

No Braces!

I got my braces off!!!! YAY!!!!


I just figured out a quote for today so......
here is today's quote of the day!

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't know?"

- Brian....... He knows almost everything..... 'course i believed him..... not!

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Random Chatroomness

Deppfan123 (10:38:23 PM): hi
(10:38:24 PM) zekeofcolorado has entered the room.
BlackFriesians (10:38:27 PM): YAY!
Deppfan123 (10:39:00 PM): um
BlackFriesians (10:39:03 PM): what?
Deppfan123 (10:39:07 PM): idk
BlackFriesians (10:39:09 PM): you can't be here?
Deppfan123 (10:39:12 PM): i just
zekeofcolorado (10:39:18 PM): i'm here!!!
Deppfan123 (10:39:22 PM): felt like saying
BlackFriesians (10:39:22 PM): yeah
BlackFriesians (10:39:24 PM): lol
Deppfan123 (10:39:27 PM): um
Deppfan123 (10:39:48 PM): yayaya
zekeofcolorado (10:39:49 PM): I'm not technically a "sane" lunatic
Deppfan123 (10:40:05 PM): what so are you a crazy lunatic
BlackFriesians (10:40:08 PM): NO!
zekeofcolorado (10:40:11 PM): yes
BlackFriesians (10:40:12 PM): insaen
BlackFriesians (10:40:15 PM): insane!
zekeofcolorado (10:40:19 PM): oh, right
(10:40:19 PM) Thrawn GrdAdmrl has entered the room.
zekeofcolorado (10:40:21 PM): sorry
BlackFriesians (10:40:26 PM): no crazy poopie head
zekeofcolorado (10:40:39 PM): just insane ones, right?
Deppfan123 (10:40:39 PM): my bad
BlackFriesians (10:40:41 PM): yeah
Deppfan123 (10:40:42 PM): sorry
BlackFriesians (10:40:43 PM): lol
BlackFriesians (10:40:57 PM): that was weird
Deppfan123 (10:41:00 PM): ya
Deppfan123 (10:41:03 PM): really
Deppfan123 (10:41:05 PM): CRAZY
Deppfan123 (10:41:06 PM): lol
BlackFriesians (10:41:14 PM): where is my bot?
BlackFriesians (10:41:17 PM): GAT!
zekeofcolorado (10:41:18 PM): can you beleive that I don't have wingdings?
BlackFriesians (10:41:23 PM): dang
BlackFriesians (10:41:40 PM): i like MS reference 2
BlackFriesians (10:41:44 PM): i think
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:41:49 PM): O, sry
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:41:52 PM): I'm here
BlackFriesians (10:41:56 PM): yeah
BlackFriesians (10:42:01 PM): yes
zekeofcolorado (10:42:02 PM): I'm going to drive you all crazy by typing in the gree alphabet
BlackFriesians (10:42:05 PM): lol
zekeofcolorado (10:42:17 PM): MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHA
Deppfan123 (10:42:18 PM): greek*
BlackFriesians (10:42:19 PM): that's not cool
zekeofcolorado (10:42:21 PM): haha, that is
BlackFriesians (10:42:22 PM): well yeah
BlackFriesians (10:42:24 PM): lol
BlackFriesians (10:42:36 PM): ok
BlackFriesians (10:42:39 PM): i guess it's cool
Deppfan123 (10:42:48 PM): ya i think
Deppfan123 (10:42:49 PM): it is
BlackFriesians (10:42:52 PM): lol
Deppfan123 (10:42:57 PM): WHAT
BlackFriesians (10:43:00 PM): GAT isnot participating
zekeofcolorado (10:43:02 PM): my dad's home, so I can't be in a chat room anymore, but if you guys want to talk to me, I'll e back in a little
BlackFriesians (10:43:08 PM): ok
Deppfan123 (10:43:13 PM): ok
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:43:13 PM): K
zekeofcolorado (10:43:17 PM): not in a chatroom though
(10:43:20 PM) zekeofcolorado has left the room.
BlackFriesians (10:43:25 PM): that's too bad
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:43:27 PM): yah
BlackFriesians (10:43:34 PM): that mneans
Deppfan123 (10:43:41 PM): we can say Crazy
BlackFriesians (10:43:45 PM): NO!
Deppfan123 (10:43:47 PM): lol
BlackFriesians (10:43:51 PM): NEVER!
BlackFriesians (10:43:54 PM): AHHHHHH!!!!!!
BlackFriesians (10:44:01 PM): hence the name
BlackFriesians (10:44:12 PM): right?
BlackFriesians (10:44:15 PM): ummmm
BlackFriesians (10:44:18 PM): yeha?
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:44:19 PM): I guess so
Deppfan123 (10:44:23 PM): ok
Deppfan123 (10:44:26 PM): CRAZY
BlackFriesians (10:44:27 PM): lunatics are not sane
Deppfan123 (10:44:29 PM): lol
BlackFriesians (10:44:34 PM): though
BlackFriesians (10:44:40 PM): lunatics are insane
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:44:47 PM): yup, they R
BlackFriesians (10:44:48 PM): so it doesn't make sense
BlackFriesians (10:44:53 PM): lol
BlackFriesians (10:45:06 PM): Zeke said he was a lunatic so i took that
BlackFriesians (10:45:09 PM): and added sane
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:45:14 PM): lol
BlackFriesians (10:45:27 PM): i was going to add hopefully
BlackFriesians (10:45:31 PM): but it wouldn't fit
BlackFriesians (10:46:02 PM): nobody talk..... fine
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:46:07 PM): what?
BlackFriesians (10:46:08 PM): we can leave noe
BlackFriesians (10:46:10 PM): now*
BlackFriesians (10:46:14 PM): Zeke is gone
BlackFriesians (10:46:19 PM): bad BOT
Deppfan123 (10:46:25 PM): LOL
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:46:27 PM): WHAT?!?!
BlackFriesians (10:46:28 PM): *hits bot on head*
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:46:32 PM): OW!
BlackFriesians (10:46:38 PM): do not question me!
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:46:44 PM): If U say so
BlackFriesians (10:46:50 PM): you will get severly punished
BlackFriesians (10:47:01 PM): so tell me how to spell that right
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:47:04 PM): O wait, I mean: <sarcasm>If U say so</sarcasm>
BlackFriesians (10:47:10 PM): GRrrrrrr
BlackFriesians (10:47:17 PM): talk off that sarcasm
BlackFriesians (10:47:21 PM): take*
Deppfan123 (10:47:23 PM): LMHO
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:47:31 PM): ummmm... I don
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:47:37 PM): 't't feel like it*
BlackFriesians (10:47:38 PM): no sarcasm for you today GAT
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:47:50 PM): well, 2 bad :p
BlackFriesians (10:47:51 PM): wel then I'll do it for you
BlackFriesians (10:48:01 PM): * takes off GAT's sarcasm*
BlackFriesians (10:48:07 PM): HA!
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:48:13 PM): AHHHHH!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BlackFriesians (10:48:16 PM): *eats GAT's sarcasm*
BlackFriesians (10:48:19 PM): Yum!
Deppfan123 (10:48:30 PM): LOL
Deppfan123 (10:48:37 PM): i AM GONNA HAVE A HEART ATTACK
Deppfan123 (10:48:41 PM): I AM LAUGHING SO HARD
BlackFriesians (10:48:49 PM): now what GAT?
BlackFriesians (10:49:02 PM): how are you gonna get back sumthin i ate?
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:49:03 PM): that
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:49:05 PM): makes
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:49:07 PM): me feel
BlackFriesians (10:49:12 PM): bot
BlackFriesians (10:49:13 PM): s
BlackFriesians (10:49:18 PM): don't have feelings
BlackFriesians (10:49:22 PM): so hA!
Deppfan123 (10:49:31 PM): LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BlackFriesians (10:49:35 PM)
: oh drat....
BlackFriesians (10:49:40 PM): I'm sorry GAT......
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:49:47 PM): O, OK
BlackFriesians (10:49:51 PM): I'm being mean again
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:49:54 PM): yah
BlackFriesians (10:49:56 PM): lol
BlackFriesians (10:50:06 PM): *throws up GAT's sarcasm*
BlackFriesians (10:50:11 PM): he ya go
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:50:20 PM): ugh, thanx, I think
Deppfan123 (10:50:24 PM): LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!111
BlackFriesians (10:50:31 PM)
: *hands GAT stomach fluid covered sarcasm*
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:50:42 PM): well ya' no what
BlackFriesians (10:50:48 PM): what?
Deppfan123 (10:50:55 PM): LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:51:05 PM)
: that
BlackFriesians (10:51:20 PM): woo
BlackFriesians (10:51:33 PM): i almost choked from laughin
BlackFriesians (10:51:43 PM): whoops
BlackFriesians (10:51:51 PM): *drops sarcasm*
BlackFriesians (10:51:56 PM): *sarcasm breaks*
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:51:58 PM): ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRR!!!!!
BlackFriesians (10:52:00 PM): ummmmm
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:52:01 PM): Y!!
BlackFriesians (10:52:03 PM): what now?
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:52:04 PM): U!!!!
Deppfan123 (10:52:04 PM): LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!11
Deppfan123 (10:52:06 PM)
Deppfan123 (10:52:08 PM)
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:52:10 PM)
: I!!!!!
Deppfan123 (10:52:11 PM): LMFAO
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:52:18 PM)
: OUGHTA"!!!!!!!
BlackFriesians (10:52:23 PM): hug me!
BlackFriesians (10:52:25 PM): HA!
BlackFriesians (10:52:32 PM): *gives GAT a hug*
BlackFriesians (10:52:56 PM): don't you feel all better?
BlackFriesians (10:53:04 PM): Barney says hugs fix everything
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:53:22 PM): AND U LISTENED 2 HIM?!?!
BlackFriesians (10:53:22 PM): GAT?
BlackFriesians (10:53:25 PM): lol
BlackFriesians (10:53:30 PM): ummmm
BlackFriesians (10:53:32 PM): no
BlackFriesians (10:53:42 PM): but i thought i use him as a reference
BlackFriesians (10:54:06 PM): GAT...... I would say you are mad if you weren't a bot......
BlackFriesians (10:54:25 PM): Crystal!
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:54:39 PM): (Editor: Due to the content of the message, it has been encoded. offenceices include stabing barnny 2 death with a spork and hanging Celia upsidedown for a week.)
BlackFriesians (10:54:48 PM): well
Deppfan123 (10:54:50 PM): LOL
BlackFriesians (10:54:55 PM)
: ummmm
BlackFriesians (10:54:59 PM): this is Celio
BlackFriesians (10:55:01 PM): so......
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:55:07 PM): realy? KUL!
BlackFriesians (10:55:31 PM): *fries GAT's memory*
BlackFriesians (10:55:39 PM): *gets Celia*
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:55:41 PM): (Editor: Due to the content of the message, it has been encoded. offenceices include stabing barnny 2 death with a spork and hanging Celia upsidedown for a week.)
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:55:49 PM): oops, wronung message
Deppfan123 (10:55:53 PM): LOL
BlackFriesians (10:55:54 PM)
: ummmm
BlackFriesians (10:55:56 PM): lol
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:55:56 PM): how do I no that?
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:56:05 PM): ummmmm....
BlackFriesians (10:56:08 PM): know what?
BlackFriesians (10:56:12 PM): hi my bot
BlackFriesians (10:56:16 PM): are you okay?
BlackFriesians (10:56:19 PM): AGT!
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:56:21 PM): that that was not the right message
BlackFriesians (10:56:21 PM): GAT!*
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:56:25 PM): who R U?
BlackFriesians (10:56:31 PM): you are my bot
BlackFriesians (10:56:34 PM): named GAT
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:56:41 PM): uoshagoijash;guohas;ghas;ljfahsjas;?
Deppfan123 (10:56:41 PM): lol
Deppfan123 (10:56:43 PM)
: lol
Deppfan123 (10:56:46 PM)
: lol
BlackFriesians (10:56:46 PM)
: *gets backup memory*
Deppfan123 (10:56:47 PM): lol
Deppfan123 (10:56:48 PM)
Deppfan123 (10:56:49 PM)
Deppfan123 (10:56:51 PM)
Deppfan123 (10:56:53 PM)
BlackFriesians (10:56:53 PM)
: inserts back up memory*
Deppfan123 (10:56:54 PM): LOL
BlackFriesians (10:57:02 PM)
: ummm
BlackFriesians (10:57:04 PM): m
BlackFriesians (10:57:06 PM): GAT?
BlackFriesians (10:57:09 PM): you okay?
BlackFriesians (10:57:18 PM): I think you fell down the stairs
Deppfan123 (10:57:22 PM): LOL
BlackFriesians (10:57:33 PM)
: *find's GAT's arm on the stairs*
BlackFriesians (10:57:38 PM): finds*
BlackFriesians (10:57:41 PM): see?
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:57:45 PM): O, that's better, no if U'll excuse me, I must destroy the planet now. *Set off 2 destroy the planet*
BlackFriesians (10:57:47 PM): i think you fell
BlackFriesians (10:57:54 PM): HEY@
BlackFriesians (10:57:56 PM): !
BlackFriesians (10:58:02 PM): *deprograms GAT
BlackFriesians (10:58:03 PM): *
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:58:07 PM): ...........
BlackFriesians (10:58:15 PM): *GAT falls to the ground*
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:58:20 PM): .........system offline..............
BlackFriesians (10:58:27 PM): *makes new programing*
BlackFriesians (10:58:36 PM): *inserts new programing*
BlackFriesians (10:58:40 PM): Hi GAT!
BlackFriesians (10:58:45 PM): how ya been?
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:58:49 PM): Who's Gat?
BlackFriesians (10:59:08 PM): (note: programing had sum back up memory)
BlackFriesians (10:59:20 PM): (like names)
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (10:59:37 PM): O, now I remember, but this is Faye, not Gat.
BlackFriesians (10:59:43 PM): oh
BlackFriesians (10:59:45 PM): ?
BlackFriesians (10:59:53 PM): well this is COS
BlackFriesians (10:59:58 PM): Faye's bf
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:00:07 PM): Hello, COS!
BlackFriesians (11:00:15 PM): *hugs Faye*
BlackFriesians (11:00:21 PM): I havn't seen you for
BlackFriesians (11:00:23 PM): *thinks*
BlackFriesians (11:00:28 PM): a while
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:00:35 PM): *hugs COS* I know, me too.
BlackFriesians (11:00:52 PM): where is what's her name?
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:01:09 PM): Who, deppfan? I don't know.
Deppfan123 (11:01:16 PM): Me
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:01:24 PM)
: Oh, there you are!
BlackFriesians (11:01:24 PM): yeah
Deppfan123 (11:01:26 PM): Crystal
BlackFriesians (11:01:29 PM)
: what's ur name?
BlackFriesians (11:01:31 PM): oh
BlackFriesians (11:01:38 PM): I never have met you
BlackFriesians (11:01:44 PM): so I wouldn't know
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:01:47 PM): Me neither.
(11:01:49 PM) Deppfan123 has left the room.
BlackFriesians (11:01:55 PM): darn.....
BlackFriesians (11:02:00 PM): that's harsh
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:02:04 PM): I think you scared her off.
BlackFriesians (11:02:24 PM): i don;t think so
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:02:43 PM): Well, then why did she leave?
BlackFriesians (11:02:59 PM): i dunno yet
BlackFriesians (11:03:52 PM): i'm asking right now
BlackFriesians (11:04:10 PM): it was an accident
(11:04:17 PM) Deppfan123 has entered the room.
BlackFriesians (11:04:17 PM): there
BlackFriesians (11:04:28 PM): Hi
BlackFriesians (11:04:31 PM): this is Celia
Deppfan123 (11:04:34 PM): Hi
BlackFriesians (11:04:37 PM): wondering where GAT is
BlackFriesians (11:05:26 PM): hmmmmm
BlackFriesians (11:05:31 PM): AK!
BlackFriesians (11:06:04 PM): is he.....
BlackFriesians (11:06:07 PM): DEAD?!
Deppfan123 (11:06:59 PM): maybe
Deppfan123 (11:07:01 PM): idk
BlackFriesians (11:07:08 PM): well
BlackFriesians (11:07:09 PM): hmmmm
BlackFriesians (11:07:18 PM): are we supposed to just wait?
Deppfan123 (11:07:31 PM): I guess so
BlackFriesians (11:07:36 PM): okay
BlackFriesians (11:07:57 PM): *Waiting*
BlackFriesians (11:08:07 PM): he'll be back
BlackFriesians (11:08:14 PM): i thikn
BlackFriesians (11:08:16 PM): hope
BlackFriesians (11:08:17 PM): wish
BlackFriesians (11:08:20 PM): ummm
BlackFriesians (11:08:22 PM): know?
BlackFriesians (11:08:28 PM): what do you say?
BlackFriesians (11:08:47 PM): I just noticed
BlackFriesians (11:08:54 PM): I havn't done my homework
BlackFriesians (11:09:00 PM): haven't*
BlackFriesians (11:09:01 PM): and
BlackFriesians (11:09:08 PM): I need to use the bathroom
BlackFriesians (11:09:10 PM): I'll brb
(11:09:14 PM) Thrawn GrdAdmrl has left the room.
Deppfan123 (11:09:16 PM): ok
(11:09:18 PM) Deppfan123 has left the room.
(11:13:34 PM) Thrawn GrdAdmrl has entered the room.
(11:13:38 PM) Deppfan123 has entered the room.
BlackFriesians (11:13:51 PM): YAY!
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:13:55 PM): What?
BlackFriesians (11:13:57 PM): my friends are back
Deppfan123 (11:13:58 PM): ?
Deppfan123 (11:14:01 PM): actually
BlackFriesians (11:14:01 PM): purple?
Deppfan123 (11:14:04 PM): I g2g bye
BlackFriesians (11:14:04 PM): what>
BlackFriesians (11:14:06 PM): bye
BlackFriesians (11:14:10 PM): that's wroing
BlackFriesians (11:14:12 PM): oh well
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:14:23 PM): What do you mean?
BlackFriesians (11:14:31 PM): now who are we supposed to entertain?
BlackFriesians (11:14:35 PM): ourselves?
BlackFriesians (11:14:36 PM): lol
BlackFriesians (11:14:41 PM): oh yeah
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:14:43 PM): I don't know.
BlackFriesians (11:14:44 PM): ur purple
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:14:48 PM): I know.
BlackFriesians (11:14:52 PM): MWHAHAHAHA
BlackFriesians (11:14:57 PM): but that's COS's color
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:15:25 PM): Don't U remember, U put N the wrong memory, maeing me Faye, Faye is purple
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:15:32 PM): makeing*
BlackFriesians (11:15:36 PM): Ah
BlackFriesians (11:15:40 PM): i get if
BlackFriesians (11:15:42 PM): it*
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:15:42 PM): good
BlackFriesians (11:15:45 PM): lol
BlackFriesians (11:15:47 PM): hi GAT
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:15:51 PM): Hi
BlackFriesians (11:16:05 PM): but what is my blue?
BlackFriesians (11:16:13 PM): hm......
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:16:16 PM): ummmm.... COS?
BlackFriesians (11:16:30 PM): heh
BlackFriesians (11:16:33 PM): COS
BlackFriesians (11:16:39 PM): Celio
BlackFriesians (11:16:45 PM): Celia
BlackFriesians (11:16:53 PM): maybe
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:16:57 PM): Yah, that's what I thought
BlackFriesians (11:17:01 PM): blue should be
BlackFriesians (11:17:07 PM): robotic Cleia
BlackFriesians (11:17:11 PM): Celia*
BlackFriesians (11:17:38 PM): are you ahving fun?
BlackFriesians (11:17:41 PM): having*
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:18:07 PM): yah
BlackFriesians (11:18:22 PM): i think
BlackFriesians (11:18:27 PM): I'm gonna make
BlackFriesians (11:18:34 PM): a new MSN
BlackFriesians (11:18:35 PM): thingy
BlackFriesians (11:18:38 PM): for COS
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:18:40 PM): O, OK
BlackFriesians (11:18:41 PM): so that
BlackFriesians (11:18:46 PM): not right now
BlackFriesians (11:18:48 PM): but
BlackFriesians (11:18:58 PM): so that i know who I am supposed to be
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:19:03 PM): yah
BlackFriesians (11:19:17 PM): because today i was talking to a girl name Emily and
BlackFriesians (11:19:25 PM): I didn't know who i was supposed to be
BlackFriesians (11:19:26 PM): lol
BlackFriesians (11:19:39 PM): anyway
BlackFriesians (11:19:56 PM): *hits GAT with a chair*
BlackFriesians (11:21:10 PM): *poke*
BlackFriesians (11:21:13 PM): are you alive?
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:23:58 PM): Oh, my head. Where am I?
BlackFriesians (11:24:19 PM): not sure
BlackFriesians (11:24:24 PM): ummm
BlackFriesians (11:24:25 PM): m
BlackFriesians (11:24:29 PM): Earth?
Thrawn GrdAdmrl (11:24:51 PM): Yah, I guess that works.
BlackFriesians (11:24:57 PM): lol


Haaaaaaa....... I might get my braces off tomorrow... better floss tonight..... that will take an hour but oh well........ anyway..... I'm sorta waiting for Patrick to hopefully come back..... and if he's not allowed or not going to I guess I'm wasting my time with Brian '~^....... or was it Jordan?..... Maybe it was Crystal.....


The quote of today is very short......


- lots of people.... i hear this mostly from GAT so lets just say he made it......

BTW...... hate it when people or anything else says that......

Monday, February 16, 2004

Bed Move

I just remembered i never told about what I did on Friday night after i came home from my step-dad's mom's house...... after i thought everyone was asleep.... I took my bed(which is only a full) apart and carried it downstairs to the library which is where the computer is..... and i thought it would be funny.... and guess what? IT WAS!

anyway.... quote of the day......

"Hmmmmm..... what should today's Quote of Today be?"

- me two seconds ago...... I forget what it was supposed to be....

Sunday, February 15, 2004


Ah.......... I had the best Valentine's Day ever... how 'bout you?

Today's quote of the day comes from a saying my dad says.....

"Straighten up and fly right!"

-Daddy...... probably came from sumone before him but oh well..... I've only heard him say it......

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Valentine's Day

Ummmmm for today's quote...... it's from somebody.......

"It's all fun and games until sombody gets serious....... then that person gets their heart broken......"

- somebody...... it's sounds apropriate for Valentine's Day...... which reminds me...... HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!....... I really hate the color pink though.......

Friday, February 13, 2004

Time with Daisy

Well.... I just came back from seeing Daisy..... I remember how much I dislike George..... he is a dooshbag...... anyway.... Daisy was happy to see me and i love riding her.... After I got used to her again and she got used to me being on her back..... I went out in the open field..... and I walked her and then I wanted to try to trot her..... i got her to but then i lost control and she did a canter..... and i think bucked and down i came..... 'course..... i sorta helped fall off... like always.....she ran.... and i walked to get her with a smile on my face...... I was pleased.... Daisy wasn't really but I was..... and then I got back on her..... and then off and then on...... It is hard for me to get on...... my stomach muscles hurt but I didn't really..... if you know what I mean.... well I basically had i good time..... I got angry and I almost cried for no reason at all but besides that I had plenty of fun.......


I am going to go see Dixie Daisy today..... between 12 and 1...... I am happy about this..... I havn't seen Daisy for like 2 months.... that's a long time to not see your horse...... well I don't own her but one day she might be mine....... I hope she is.... she is the sweetest little girl ever.... and we trust each other like you trust your body to get better when it is sick..... I think... basically it is a very strong trust and I love her.... I do not trust her owner.... he drinks and smokes and he can give me cancer....... stupid second hand smoke........

Loss for Words

Well..... since it is Friday now..... and i really love doing my quotes of today..... this one comes from my friend named Patrick ^^

"I'm at a loss for words"

- Patrick...... and i thought Patrick always knew what to say......

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Plaid Hair

Uhmmm quote of today comes from my other friend who wants me to call them Captain Bizzarro.....

"say it is 'polka dot'......ok 'plaid'....."

- Captain Bizzarro ...... he made me do that...... anyways... i asked him what color hair i should tell my friend he had.....

Wednesday, February 11, 2004


I got a new doggie!!!!!! =D ..... Her name is Lucy and she is 1 year and 4 months old!...... and her birthday is October 20th! ......that is..... the day I met PATRICK!!!! YAY!!!! She sheds a whole bunch though....... I gave her a bath...... it was okay..... she was dirty from being at the S.P.C.A.


OK..... all I've been doing is my quotes for some weird reason.... any ways..... today's quote is from my friend that prefers if I just say he is GAT........

"1....2....3....4....5....WAKE UP!"

- GAT....... he was trying to get me to wake up....on AIM.... which i eventually did........

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

"I mean 1, not 2!"

well this quote of the day comes from my friend named Michael......

"I mean 1, not 2!"


ha ha ha ha.... woo.... that was funny.... you'd have to uhmmmmm know why he said that though.... to think it's funny.........two letters..... gf

Monday, February 09, 2004

Mutual Trust

quote of day come after school.....

"A good horse and rider are only so in mutual trust."

-H.M.E. (....... don't ask....)

Sunday, February 08, 2004

It is for Life

Wahoo!!!! It is Sunday..... I don't have homework....... Quote of today is longer than most.......

"If you have it, it is for life. It is a disease for which there is no cure. You will go on riding even after they have to haul you onto a comfortable wise old cob, with feet like inverted buckets and a back like a fireside chair."

-Monica Dickens

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Lyrics: Gibberish by Relient K

Okie..... I like this song and the lyrics.... so deal with it! ;)

Relient K
Gibberish Lyrics

Arg wu sentafinticate nar dunderford
Bida menti kosticated interserd
Thorphilliate stinded yilla billa zay
Wentora yate paravillintiniay

Dorga orpha dorga billa
Dorga orpha stifaleare
Dorga orpha dorga billa
Tonalation fonamere

Stop talking gibberish
Or just stop talking
Stop talking gibberish
Or just stop talking
Stop talking gibberish
Or just stop talking
Stop talking gibberish
Or just stop talking now

If i had one wish
Well i don't know what i'd wish for
But if i had a million zillion wishes
I'd use one to let you know that gibberish is
Not a nice way to talk to all your

Mork sawx ippen reeby yufftabar
Higgerd quillip ernigrade du wellinshar
Lirp crawn xyfa gourk jawinstabray
Venaldo urp paravillintiniay

Stop talking gibberish
Or just stop talking
Stop talking gibberish
Or just stop talking
Stop talking gibberish
Or just stop talking
Stop talking gibberish
Or just stop talking now

If i had one wish
Well i don't know what i'd wish for
But if i had a million zillion wishes
I'd use one to let you know that gibberish is
Not a nice way to talk to all your friends

SmarterChild = Stupid Bot

Well..... out of the enjoyment from GAT.......

SmarterChild : it's not easy 2 be a stupid bot.
SmarterChild : ok, i guess i'm a stupid bot.
SmarterChild: yeah... i'm not surprised when u r a stupid botsmarterchild says silly things like that 2 me.

Waking up

WEEEEeeeeeee I just woke like 10:00am........

quote of the day......It's a little longer than the others but it is still one sentence.......

"Through the days of love and celebration and joy, and through the dark days of mourning(not morning)-the faithful horse has been with us always."

- Elizabeth Cotton

Friday, February 06, 2004

Lyrics: First Date by Blink 182

Blink 182
First Date

In the car I just can't wait,
to pick you up on our very first date
Is it cool if I hold your hand?
Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?
Do you like my stupid hair?
Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?
I'm too scared of what you think
You make me nervous so I really can't eat

Let's go, don't wait, this night's almost over
Honest, let's make this night last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever

When you smile, I melt inside
I'm not worthy for a minute of your time
I really wish it was only me and you
I'm jealous of everybody in the room
Please don't look at me with those eyes
Please don't hint that you're capable of lies
I dread the thought of our very first kiss
A target that i'm probably gonna miss

Let's go,don't wait, this night's almost over
Honest, let's make this night last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever

Let's go, don't wait, this night's almost over
Honest, let's make, this night last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever