Sunday, February 22, 2004


Well...... I had a horrible afternoon.... I miss Patrick..... Right now I feel..... fatuitous.... worried..... scared..... sad...... everytihng but happy..... my happy meter is at like -10..... maybe even lower..... basically it is broken from being so low.... I'm thinking of skipping school tomorrow..... I don't care if I have a test.... I don't want to cry in school.... It would be too hurtful....... I can't stand it..... besides..... if I did go to school when I can't think straight.... something bad might happen.... and not only am I emotionally sick, I am a little physically sick still...... I almost got sick from eating dinner....... I hope I feel better soon.... I'm going to have nightmares tonight.... probably about me getting killed or not ever seeing Patrick again...... *prays* Let everything be okay........ I can't believe I was so stupid......


Celia said...

OK let me tell you that you are not stupid, just a teen, like me or Brian or Ryan or that kid that lives down the street, we all make mistakes, don't be so hard on you self miss Compact Disk Device, all you have to do to get through this hard time is to pray to God for the strength to keep pressin' on, and to sorround you with comfort from you friends, your parents, Him, and always know that I will always be here, the only thing that would keep me away from being with you would be death itself, of THAT you can besure of, always.

Posted 2/23/2004 1:30 AM by PakAttak151 []

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